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November 19, 2024

Preserving History: Supporting the Battle of Minisink Monument Restoration

Preserving History: Supporting the Battle of Minisink Monument Restoration

We’re proud to support the Daughters of the American Revolution Minisink Chapter in their mission to restore the historic Battle of Minisink monument in Goshen. This monument, dating back to the 1860s, marks the final resting place of 46 soldiers who bravely fought in the Revolutionary War.

The DAR aims to complete this important restoration by 2029, beginning with an initial $20,000 goal to stabilize and preserve the monument for future generations.

Every contribution makes a difference! Donations can be made via PayPal, or by mailing a check to:
Minisink DAR Chapter
PO Box 704
Goshen, NY 10924

Let’s work together to honor the memory of these heroes and preserve this piece of history.

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