WSB in the Media
Back to All NewsOctober 30, 2019
Walden Savings Bank Offers Digital Demo Days for Customers

Walden Savings Bank (WSB) is making it easy for customers to take advantage of their many available digital services. Digital Demo Days are being held regularly in WSB branches and provide hands-on opportunities for customers to stay up on the latest ways to bank.
WSB customer Faith Moore stopped into the Walden branch on its most recent Digital Demo Day and learned how to manage her spending habits with Bank Wise.
“I thought I was savvy with technology and apps, but I had no idea what Bank Wise could do,” said Moore. “It’s completely something I would use. It will help me stay on budget and not spend so much on my lattes!”
Customers were also excited to learn about the Bank’s Pay a Friend service which provides an easy way to transfer funds to anyone by simply entering their cell phone number. Pay a Friend eliminates the need to use a third party like Venmo or PayPal and is free for both the sender and recipient.
WSB Relationship Banker Susan Wareka was onsite to help customers with any and all services related to the app and website.
“Some people don’t know all of these digital services exist and when they find out they think it’s amazing what they can do at their fingertips,” Wareka said. “It’s very easy. You don’t have to be tech-savvy.”
When new customers set up accounts, they are provided with a tutorial on all available WSB services. Digital Demo Days are refresher courses to keep old and new customers alike apprised and comfortable with the convenient technologies available to them.
Contact Center Representative Pamela Leignadier said customers are welcome to stop by their branches for help anytime, not just on designated dates.
“We’re here to walk our customers through the process and make it a seamless transition to use our digital products,” said Leignadier. “Even if it isn’t a Digital Demo Day, our staff will happily work with customers on their tablet, phone or laptop. Wi-Fi is available in all our branches so we can walk them through the process any day.”
The next WSB Digital Demo Days are scheduled for Friday, November 1 in the Florida branch and Friday, November 15 in the Scott’s Corners branch.